U12 (2013 – 2014 birth years)

The U12 program, which is available to players of all levels and abilities, is a continuation of technical skill and tactical development. The focus of training is to improve soccer-specific skills, soccer intelligence, small group tactics and general club style of play. The players will begin to understand the results of focused and dedicated training. The program promotes the continued growth of ball skills, an increasing game awareness and an appreciation for taking calculated risks in the attack through the 3 v 3 to 9 v 9 game model.

At this point in a player’s development, success in winning matches should begin to be the product of a consistent and systematic approach to the game that focuses more on player development than on team building. Theories suggest that individually competent soccer players that are placed together on a team are more prepared to win than well-organized players who are unable to stand alone on their soccer abilities.

 The program, which is usually 8-10 weeks in duration, is offered in the fall and spring.

  • Training sessions are run by licensed coaches 2-3 times a week, dates and times to be
    determined by the coaches.
  • Combination of friendly games and local tournaments (for an additional fee) on the
    weekends. Teams for games and tournaments will be formed by trying to align individual
    players’ ability with the competitiveness of the games.
  • Opportunities for players to enhance their skills and play in regional tournaments through
    supplemental soccer programs and partnerships (information available upon request)
  • Registration fees are $50 per season
  • Uniforms must be purchased through Alpine Impressions.  You can order uniforms through our team store.


See where soccer games are played in Spearfish.


See if registration is open and what you need to do.


See who the coaches will be this year.